Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Patch as Patch Can

(Image credit:

What happens when you use proprietary code?  This story from The Register is quite representative.

Yes.  Google Chrome is proprietary.  Chromium is Open Source.

Open Source Chromium gets looked at by 'many eyes' and that is by Contributors across the Globe Folks.

Bugs get fixed quickly.

With any piece of proprietary code, including Chrome, only the employees who work as developers can make fixes to source code, no one else.  Unlike Open Source, Proprietary source code is not made accessible to the general public.  Only the binary executables get distributed.

It's a classic problem and has lent to a perpetual tread-mill of security issues for Microsoft Windows Legacy (x86) and the litany continues unabated to such an extent that Microsoft now wants to change the name of Internet Explorer to remove some of the legitimate stigma involved with user market perception.  It ain't gonna work.  The horse is out the barn door.

No, in fact, I made a policy decision some time ago not to use proprietary software whatsoever and wrote specifically about Google Chrome.

So, I strongly urge the readers to avoid Chrome like the plague and stick with Open Source developed software only, such as Chromium.

As for myself, I have Open Source dwb and Chromium installed, but use dwb 95% of the time.  dwb is written in pure C with gtk2/3 bindings and a webkit back-end on steroids.  It is understated, spartan, greased-lightning fast, and super lightweight with a 75MB startup RAM footprint.  Highly recommended.  Chromium is the easier of the two to install and use and will gobble up as much ram as it can find but, then, it has all the bells and whistles going for it.  -- Dietrich


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